LifeAfter : Happy101 Trading Area

LifeAfter : Happy101 Trading Area (2018)

LifeAfter : Happy101 Trading Area (2018)

LifeAfter : Happy101 Central Tradin Area - Props (2018)

LifeAfter : Happy101 Central Tradin Area - Props (2018)

LifeAfter : Happy101 General Map 

A sketch of the full area based on the the game design and art direction needs  (2018)

LifeAfter : Happy101 General Map

A sketch of the full area based on the the game design and art direction needs (2018)

LifeAfter : Happy101 Residential Street

I played with the buildings arrangement to give a rather exotic impression to the location (not too lined up).

LifeAfter : Happy101 Residential Street

I played with the buildings arrangement to give a rather exotic impression to the location (not too lined up).

LifeAfter : WiP Sequence of the Happy101 Residential Street

LifeAfter : WiP Sequence of the Happy101 Residential Street

Two concept arts representing the town of Happy 101 : a trading hub in the game.
The location is expected to be lively and colorful.

July 8, 2019